This chapter explains how to use the DGS-SO2 sensor. You will learn its features, operating principles, specifications, connection pin arrangement, output values, and connect Arduino and the sensor together to measure the air around you easily using the library.
DGS-SO2 Sulfur dioxide sensor
As a type of sulfur oxide, it is a colorless and irritating non-flammable gas that is well soluble in water. It naturally exists in volcanoes and hot springs, and reacts with hydrogen sulfide to produce sulfur. When fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum containing sulfur are burned, they are artificially discharged, and the main sources of emission are from power plants, heating systems, metal smelting plants, oil refineries, and other industrial processes.
WINDY.COM Sulfurous Acid Gas
Sulfur dioxide enters the respiratory tract and is mostly absorbed by the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract (in the airways, in the bronchi and in the nose). The higher the concentration, the more gas is absorbed by the mucous membrane when breathing. More gas reaches the bronchi, and more damage is done to the lungs. When sulfurous acid adsorbed on the mucous membrane reacts with mucus, it forms sulfuric acid and causes inflammation, which can cause secondary infection by bacteria and viruses.
Effects on the human body
Acute damage: When exposed to sulfur dioxide gas, symptoms in the throat such as unpleasant odor, physiological disorders, pressure, airway resistance, nasal congestion, runny nose, sweat, cough, throat, chest pain, throat pain, sneezing, cough, phlegm, and dyspnea appear. It is especially dangerous for patients with respiratory diseases, children and the elderly.
Chronic Damage: If acute damage occurs over a long period of time, it turns into chronic diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, obstructive disease, etc.
High concentrations of sulfurous acid gas are known to cause respiratory problems temporarily in adults and children with asthma and have many outdoor activities, and when exposed to high concentrations, can cause respiratory disease and worsen cardiovascular disease.
Along with nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide is a major cause of acid rain. It affects the acidification of soil and is transported over long distances by wind, affecting other areas, causing damage to plants, limiting visibility, and promoting corrosion of various structures.
Representative examples of the damage from sulfur dioxide include the London Smog Incident and the Muse Valley Incident. In the case of London smog, the concentration of sulfurous acid gas exceeded 1ppm, causing a lot of damage.
London smog incident is the case where 12,000 people died due to air pollution in the city of London, England in 1952. Unrefined smoke from coal combustion was discharged into the atmosphere, and due to windlessness and temperature changes, the smoke could not be scattered into the atmosphere and instead stagnated on the ground. The discharged smoke and thick fog merged to form smog. In particular, sulfur dioxide in the smoke turned into sulfuric acid fog, and this smog phenomenon lasted for one week. As a result, in the first three weeks, 4,000 citizens died due to respiratory problems and asphyxiation, and then 8,000 additional deaths due to chronic lung disease, resulting in a total of 12,000 deaths due to severe air pollution.
Muse continuation incident is an incident that took place in a large industrial zone in the Muse region. According to reports at the time of the accident, the concentration of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere reached 9.6~38.4 ppm, and sulfuric acid fog was also generated under such a high concentration. Hundreds of respiratory diseases occurred due to the high concentration of sulfuric acid fog stagnant in the air, and 63 people died simultaneously from acute pneumonia and heart disease. The mortality rate of the elderly with heart or lung disease increased, and hundreds of people with acute respiratory disease suffered. In particular, many of the deaths were elderly or young children with respiratory or heart disease.
DGS-SO2 Sensor?
SPEC’s DGS-SO2 (968-038) sensor can measure sulfur dioxide concentration. The manufacturer provides sensors, sensor modules, and sensor development kits. It is difficult to use only a sensor, so a sensor module or sensor development kit must be used.
[DGS-SO2 sensor specifications ]
DGS-SO2 sensor specifications are as follows. The input voltage is 2.6~3.6V, and the operating temperature is -40~60 degrees.
[DGS-SO2 sensor output values ]
For best results, it is advisable to keep the module powered on at all times. The DGS module automatically switches to a low power state between TRIGGER measurements, automatically powering on the sensor to maintain the highest accuracy.
• When the DGS-SO2 sensor module is connected to V+ and GND:
The module's microprocessor automatically configures the sensor and circuit operation, outputs sensor readings, and enters low-power standby mode. While in standby mode, critical sensor circuits remain active to ensure the highest accuracy for future sensor measurements.
• When the DGS-SO2 sensor module is powered and in low power standby mode:
All data received on the UART interface (e.g. a single keystroke) triggers a measurement sent via the UART. Due to the high-accuracy ADC sampling method, there is a 1 second delay between when the sensor module receives a command and when the module sends a response. Then, the module goes back to the low-power standby mode.
• When the DGS-SO2 sensor module receives a recognized command within 1 second after TRIGGER:
The command is executed. For more information on available commands, refer to the simple command library.
[Influence of temperature] on the DGS-SO2 sensor
Electrochemical gas sensors capable of measuring sulfur dioxide (SO2) are affected by various environmental parameters.
Sensors must also compensate for changes in temperature, relative humidity, airflow, pressure, etc. that affect the measured value. The data in the following figure shows five representative sensors among SPEC gas sensors, and shows the sensitivity change curve of SO2.
Electrochemical gas sensors are sensitive to ambient temperature. The temperature of the sample affects the sensitivity/span as well as the sensor's zero reading (baseline).
These effects are due to different chemical mechanisms and must be corrected separately. According to data sheeet, temperature compensation using average temperature dependence can solve more than 90% of accuracy problems. Temperature dependence of sensitivity at temperatures below 20°C, sensitivity (expressed in nA/ppm) typically varies from +0.1 to +0.6%/C, and from 0 to 0.3%/C at 20 to 40°C.
[Influence of Humidity (RH) on DGS-SO2 Sensor]
According to the SPEC AN-104 Environmental Effects specification, the effect of humidity on the sensor response is subtler and more complex. When the humidity changes rapidly, there may be a temporary spike in sensor 0, and the sensitivity may change gradually with prolonged exposure at different relative humidity RH levels.
The sensor can compensate for the RH effect (zero current) on the baseline. In general, when the relative humidity of the sample changes rapidly, rapid increases such as several hundred ppb from the baseline quickly stabilizes to a level within 10 ppb of the original baseline. The direction of the spikes typically changes in the "+" direction with respect to the reaction to sulfur dioxide with increasing humidity and in the "-" direction with decreasing humidity.
This is shown in the figure, which is the state of the response of the sensor BL (baseline) to a rapid change in relative humidity RH. It can be used after determining whether excessive BL disturbance of the sensor affects the desired performance.
According to the SPEC AN-108 Extreme Environment Operation specification, SO2 sensors exhibits greater sensitivity to RH extremes than other sensors. The data presented for a 0-20 ppm SO2 sensor show a <± 20% change in sensitivity when the sensor is operated under conditions of 33-75% RH. The sensor shows a +30% increase in sensitivity after 6 weeks in continuous operation at RH> 95% RH and 67% loss in continuous operation at 0% RH.
Average response of the SO2 sensor group equilibrated at the RH level from 0 to> 95% RH
[Air flow rate] of DGS-SO2 sensor
The sensitivity and response time of the sensor is somewhat influenced by the air flow through the sensor surface. This is especially true for slower air flows. For very accurate measurements, it is recommended to take samples with a pump and control the flow of air throughout the sensor to minimize internal volume.
According to sensor specifications, the sensitivity and response time data of the sensor is collected in a fixture with a gas flow velocity of 0.1 to 0.2 m/sec, indicating that it is close to the indoor air flow.
If the application is used in an environment where airflow is large and fluctuating, try to keep the sensor surface away from direct contact with air. For example, it is advisable to place a baffle or an inert porous membrane in front of the sensor. The use of a porous PTFE membrane protects the sensor from condensation and accumulation of dust and oil vapor.
[Pressure effect] on DGS-SO2 sensor
The DGS-SO2 sulfur dioxide sensor is designed for use at ambient pressure while minimizing pressure or vacuum on the sensor surface. The sensor is calibrated under standard conditions (23 ± 3 °C, 40-60% RH and atmospheric pressure at sea level).
When the sensor operates in ambient conditions other than 1 atmosphere, its performance is predictable, but its output changes almost linearly with pressure. For best accuracy, the DGS-SO2 sensor recommends calibrating the sensor at its intended working pressure.
In principle, it is possible to try to automatically compensate for this pressure effect, but there is no data on the SPEC sensor, so this book cannot provide guidance on this.
Purchasing the DGS-SO2 sensor
As follows, the [DGS-SO2] sensor used in the book [Arduino Sensors for Everyone] can be purchased at Ali Express, Amazon.
Software Coding
Run the example file in Steamedu123_Sensor-master > examples.
@405 DGS-SO2 Sulfur dioxide sensor
#include <C405_Steam_Air_DGS-SO2_SO2.h> // Internal library header file
SteamDGSSO2 dgsSO2; // Instance, pin number
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // Start serial communication at a speed of 9600bps.
dgsSO2.begin(); // (1) Initialize the sensor.
void loop() {; // (2) Measure the value of the sensor.
dgsSO2.display(); // (3) Output the sensor value.
DGS-SO2 Arduino sensor operation check
When the hardware connection and software coding are completed, you can check the operation screen as follows.
Development environment: WINDOWS 10
Arduino IDE: 1.8.13
01 library copy
You can easily check the operation by using the library.
The libraries \Steamedu123_Sensor-master folder is copied to the folder below.
* This folder is created automatically after installing Arduino C:\Users\s\Documents\Arduino\libraries
02 *. ino file execution
-Connect Arduino and PC
-Run Arduino IDE
-Menu → Tools → Board: Check Arduino UNO
-Menu → Sketch → Check/Compile
03 Check compilation
Select Sketch>OK/Compile (CTRL+R) to compile.
04 Arduino Uno upload
When the compilation is completed without any problems, select Sketch>Upload (CTRL+U) to upload the compiled file.
05 Operation check
You can check the operation as follows.
You can connect Arduino and [DGS-SO2] sensor and practice the sensor easily with simple coding.
In this section, we investigated the effects of sulfur dioxide on the human body, the reference concentration, the measurement range of simple measuring instruments, and the sensors used in measuring instruments. We learned how to control the DGS-SO2 sensor, and with Arduino, we measured sulfur dioxide.
If the concentration of sulfur dioxide is high, children, the elderly and asthma patients should refrain from outdoor activities, and if it is very bad, all outdoor activities should be prohibited.
References for [DGS-SO2 sulfur dioxide (SO2) Arduino sensor] used in the book [Arduino Sensors for Everyone] are as follows.
[46] Air Korea real-time atmosphere information,
[47] Air Korea Air Quality Standard (domestic),
[48] Air Korea Air Quality Standard (Overseas),
[49] SPEC Sensor DGS-SO2 968-038,
[50] SGX, EC4-20-SO2 Datasheet,
[51] Winsen ZE03 Datasheet,
[52] SEEC Sensor SO2,
[53] Digi-key Shopping Mall EC4-20-SO2,
[54] AliExpress - Winsen ZE03-SO2,
[55] o3.spec-3sp-o3-20.pdf, "figure 1: Typical 2 electrode Electrochemical Gas sensor", p1
[56] DS_968-038-DGS-SO2.pdf, "The time and magnitude of this response may vary depending on the sensor type and the length of time the sensor has been unpowered.", p5
[57] [Spec Sensor] DGS Test Program - DSDK_Tool_v0.42.zi,
Purchasing a book
[Arduino Sensors for Everyone] The book is available for purchase on Google Book and Apple Books.
In this book, you will learn how to use the PMS7003, GP2Y1010AU0F, PPD42NS, SDS011 Fine Dust Sensor, DHT22 temperature/humidity sensor, MH-Z19B carbon dioxide sensor, ZE08-CH2O formaldehyde sensor, CCS811 total volatile organic compound (TVOC) sensor , GDK101 radiation (gamma ray) sensor, MQ-131 ozone (O3) sensor, MQ-7 carbon monoxide sensor, MICS-4514 nitrogen dioxide sensor, MICS-6814 ammonia sensor, DGS-SO2 sulfur dioxide (SO2) sensor, BME280 atmospheric pressure sensor, GUVA-S12SD ultraviolet (UV) sensor, MD0550 airflow sensor, and QS-FS01 wind speed sensor.
Arduino Sensors for Everyone, 저자: Ronnie Kim - Google Play 도서
Arduino Sensors for Everyone - 저자가 Ronnie Kim인 eBook입니다. PC, Android, iOS 기기에서 Google Play 북 앱을 사용해 이 책을 읽어 보세요. 책을 다운로드하여 오프라인으로 읽거나 Arduino Sensors for Everyone을(를)
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