This chapter explains how to use the QS-FS01 sensor. You will learn its features, operating principles, specifications, connection pin arrangement, output values, and connect Arduino and the sensor together to measure the air around you easily using the library.
QS-FS01 Wind speed sensor
Effects on the human body
Wind speed is the speed of air. Units such as m/s (meter per second), km/h (kilometer per hour), mph (mile per hour), and knot are used. In general, m/s is used, and the wind speed refers to the distance the air travels in a unit time, and is usually a unit expressing the distance traveled per second in m. For example, 17m/s is 17m per second.
While weather is a physical phenomenon that occurs in the atmosphere, climate refers to the whole picture of atmospheric phenomena rather separating them. Weather depends on the heat (air temperature), pressure (atmospheric pressure), wind (wind direction and wind speed), and moisture (humidity). Among them, wind (wind direction and wind speed) directly affects the dispersion of air pollutants. Wind speed is as important as temperature, air pressure, and wind direction, and the damage suffered increases or decreases depending on how fast the wind blows.
When there is a lot of fine dust outdoors, people worry about going outside. Since fine dust is a difficult problem that cannot be solved by individuals, people have no choice but to wear a mask and go out.
However, on days with high and low fine dust concentrations, fine dust concentration is affected by the wind strength. In fact, wind is always blowing, but there are cases where the intensity is weak, such as a still wind (grade 0, 0~0.2m/s), and light breeze (grade 1, 0.3~1.5m/s), and so on. Even when the wind is blowing, smoke can rise straight up, and sometimes pinwheels do not spin.
When the wind blows, air pollutants in the air are scattered. When the wind is strong, the concentration of air pollutants decreases, and when the wind is weak, the concentration of air pollutants increases gradually.
In addition, when there is no wind in the atmosphere, a small amount of pollutants generated from air pollutant emission sources (e.g., automobiles, factories, etc.) is accumulated in the air, which adversely affects the human body.
Relationship between wind speed and fine dust concentration
Winds with a certain intensity such as southern wind (grade 2, 1.6~3.3m/s), gentle breeze (grade 3, 3.4~5.4m/s), and cool breeze (grade 4, 5.5~7.9m/s) cannot be felt. However, speeds above this are easy to feel and recognize. The wind is felt on the face, leaves scatter, and pinwheels spin. Dust is blown around, and small branches can be seen shaking.
After cold weather, fine dust rises because of the atmospheric congestion phenomenon where wind does not blow. When wind is strong, the concentration of fine dust decreases. Conversely, when the wind strength is weak, the concentration of fine dust increases. Of course, if there are no air pollutants, the air will be clean regardless of the wind strength, but it is difficult to expect that there are no air pollutants in our lives in our modern, industrialized society.
The Beaufort wind class shows the strength of the wind as classes and is widely used as it divides wind speed into 13 classes ranging from 0 to 12. Grade 0 (wind speed 0∼0.2m/s, Calm), Grade 1 (wind speed 0.3∼1.5m/s, Light air), Grade 2 (wind speed 1.6∼3.3m/s, Light breeze), Grade 3 (wind speed 3.4∼) 5.4m/s, gentle breeze), grade 4 (wind speed 5.5 to 7.9 m/s, moderate breeze), grade 5 (wind speed 8 to 10.7 m/s, fresh breeze), grade 6 (wind speed 10.8 to 13.8 m/s, strong breeze), Grade 7 (Wind Speed 13.9-17.1m/s, high wind), Grade 8 (Wind Speed 17.2∼20.7m/s, gale), Grade 9 (Wind Speed 20.8∼24.4m/s, strong gale), Grade 10 (Wind speed 24.5~28.4m/s, storm), 11th grade (Wind speed 28.5~32.6m/s, violent storm), 12th grade (Wind speed 32.7m/s or more, hurricane force).
General phenomenon according to wind speed
What makes Earth mysterious is that it has a system of circulating ocean currents and atmosphere to balance the heat between the warm equator and the cold polar regions. This is where wind and rain playes an important role. Wind serves to dilute air pollution. When large quantities of pollutants are released into the atmosphere, the rate at which these pollutants mix with the surrounding atmosphere depends on the wind speed. Strong winds allow for air pollutants to circulate and reduce their concentration. When the wind speed is high, the concentration of air pollutants decreases, and when the wind is weak, the air pollutants do not disperse, and the concentration increases gradually.
In fact, when weak windd (less than 4m/s) blow, fine dust concentration is often high. According to the National Institute of Environmental Sciences, the average monthly ultrafine dust concentration in Seoul from January to March 2019 recorded the highest monthly average fine dust concentration with an average wind speed of 1.9m/s in Seoul since 2015. Experts say that global warming can sustain atmospheric congestion and that a 5% reduction in wind speed could increase fine dust by 10%. When strong winds blow, the circulation of the atmosphere becomes smooth and the concentration of fine dust decreases. If the wind speeds are above 9-14 m/s, wind becomes direct danger to people instead of air pollutants. If the wind speed is more than 10m/s, it is difficult to use an umbrella, and if it is more than 15m/s, the branches will break, or signboards attached to buildings will fall off. If it is more than 20m/s, you may not be able to walk in the direction of wind and might even fall. If it is more than 25m/s, the vinyl in greenhouses will be torn, and the roof or roof tile will be torn off. If it is more than 30m/s, unstable houses collapse, and the trucks can be flipped over. If it is over 35m/s, trains can be overturned, and poles and walls fall. If it is more than 40m/s, people and rocks will fly away. If it is over 50m/s, concrete buildings will collapse.
QS-FS01 Sensor?
The QS-FS01 Three-cup Anemometer Wind Speed Sensor can measure wind strength. An anemometer is a general weather observation device used to measure wind speed. The 3-cup anemometer is designed to be installed outdoors to easily measure wind speed.
[QS-FS01] Sensor output value
Purchasing the QS-FS01 sensor
As follows, the [QS-FS01] sensor used in the book [Arduino Sensors for Everyone] can be purchased at Ali Express, Amazon.
Software Coding
Run the example file in Steamedu123_Sensor-master > examples.
@504 QS-FS01 Wind speed sensor
#include <C504_Steam_Air_QS-FS01_WindSpeed.h> // Internal library header file
#define AoutPIN A1
SteamQSFS01 qsfs01(AoutPIN); // Instance, pin number
void setup() {
Serial.begin(57600); // Start serial communication at a speed of 57600bps.
qsfs01.begin(); // (1) Initialize the sensor.
void loop() {; // (2) Measure the value of the sensor.
qsfs01.display(); // (3) Output the sensor value.
delay(1000); // Wait for 1 second.
QS-FS01 Arduino sensor operation check
When the hardware connection and software coding are completed, you can check the operation screen as follows.
Development environment: WINDOWS 10
Arduino IDE: 1.8.13
01 library copy
You can easily check the operation by using the library.
The libraries \Steamedu123_Sensor-master folder is copied to the folder below.
* This folder is created automatically after installing Arduino C:\Users\s\Documents\Arduino\libraries
02 *. ino file execution
-Connect Arduino and PC
-Run Arduino IDE
-Menu → Tools → Board: Check Arduino UNO
-Menu → Sketch → Check/Compile
03 Check compilation
Select Sketch>OK/Compile (CTRL+R) to compile.
04 Arduino Uno upload
When the compilation is completed without any problems, select Sketch>Upload (CTRL+U) to upload the compiled file.
05 Operation check
You can check the operation as follows.
You can connect Arduino and [QS-FS01] sensor and practice the sensor easily with simple coding.
In this section, we investigated the effects of wind speed on the human body, the reference concentration, the measurement range of simple measuring instruments, and the sensors used in measuring instruments. We learned how to control the QS-FS01 sensor, and with Arduino, we measured wind speed.
Based on the 4-stage condition measured by the sensor, if it is "bad" or "very bad", you should be indoors as much as possible. If there is a strong wind that is more than bad, signboards and trees on the street may fall, so you should refrain from going out. The elderly and children should be careful not to leave the house.
When evacuating, avoid trees or telephone poles and evacuate to a safe building. Avoid windows, as there is a risk of injury if the glass breaks. Do not go near construction sites because there are many building materials that will be blown or dropped by the wind. If windows are broken, wear shoes or slippers to avoid stepping on broken glass. Work on or off the roof should be avoided. Slow down while driving to avoid accidents caused by strong winds. There is a risk of being swept away by waves, so be careful not to go near coastal roads or the beach. After the strong winds have, do not come close to or touch electric power lines that have fallen to the ground.
References for ][QS-FS01 Wind Speed Arduino Sensor] used in the book [Arduino Sensors for Everyone] are as follows.
[48] Impact of Wind Direction and Wind Speed on Road Air Quality in downtown Seoul, Kim Kyung-hwan, Lee Seung-bok, Yoo Won-kwang, Park Bo-eun, Hong Seung-woo, Bae Gwi-nam, Journal of the Korea Air Quality Association, 2012
[49] Analysis of the Correlation between, Rainfall, Wind Speed and Dry Days and Air Dust Pollution, Choi Kwang-woon, Lee Jong-tae, Journal of the Korean Civil Society, 2000
[50] Analysis on the Effect of Wind Speed Change around Chimneys due to Typhoon on Concentration of Pollutant Emission Kim In-gyu, Han Jeong-dae, Seo Young-hoon, Gam Jin-sang, Park Ki-hyuk, Journal of the Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment, 2007
[51] Korea Meteorological Administration, Forecast English,
[52] DFROBOT SEN0170,
[53] HYXC-TD24,
[54] AliExpress QS-FS01,
[56] AliExpress HYXC-TD24,
[57] QS-FS-en datasheet, "Technical parameter", p3
[58] QS-FS-en datasheet", "Line color definition", p7
Purchasing a book
[Arduino Sensors for Everyone] The book is available for purchase on Google Book and Apple Books.
In this book, you will learn how to use the PMS7003, GP2Y1010AU0F, PPD42NS, SDS011 Fine Dust Sensor, DHT22 temperature/humidity sensor, MH-Z19B carbon dioxide sensor, ZE08-CH2O formaldehyde sensor, CCS811 total volatile organic compound (TVOC) sensor , GDK101 radiation (gamma ray) sensor, MQ-131 ozone (O3) sensor, MQ-7 carbon monoxide sensor, MICS-4514 nitrogen dioxide sensor, MICS-6814 ammonia sensor, DGS-SO2 sulfur dioxide (SO2) sensor, BME280 atmospheric pressure sensor, GUVA-S12SD ultraviolet (UV) sensor, MD0550 airflow sensor, and QS-FS01 wind speed sensor.
Arduino Sensors for Everyone, 저자: Ronnie Kim - Google Play 도서
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