This chapter explains how to use the SDS011 sensor. You will learn its features, operating principles, specifications, connection pin arrangement, output values, and connect Arduino and the sensor together to measure the air around you easily using the library.
SDS011 Fine Dust Sensor
SDS011 Sensor?
Nova Fitness's SDS011 sensor can measure the concentration of fine dust particles between 0.3 and 10 μm in the air using the principle of laser scattering. Using digital output and its built-in fan, it is both stable and reliable.
SDS011 fine dust Arduino sensor
GP2Y1010 sensors use the IR-LED method, and theSDS011, HPMA, ZH03 sensors measure fine dust with the laser method.
The SDS011 sensor can measure PM2.5 ultra-fine dust and PM10 fine dust. The measurement range is 0~999.9 ㎍/㎥. This model has a built-in fan like the PMS7003 sensor.
The Aerosol and Air Quality research paper (19: 181-194, 2019) showed that the Novafitness SDS011 sensor is superior to the Sharp GP2Y1010AU0F and Winsen ZH03A sensors.
Purchasing the SDS011 sensor
As follows, the [SDS011] sensor used in the book [Arduino Sensors for Everyone] can be purchased at Ali Express, Amazon.
Software Coding
Run the example file in Steamedu123_Sensor-master > examples.
@205 SDS011 Fine Dust Sensor
#include <C205_Steam_Air_NovaSDS011_Dust.h> // Internal library header file
#define RxPIN 3
#define TxPIN 2
SteamNovaSDS011 novasds011(RxPIN, TxPIN); // pin number
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // Start serial communication at a speed of 9600bps.
novasds011.begin(); // (1) Initialize the sensor.
void loop() {; // (2) Measure the value of the sensor.
novasds011.display(); // (3) Output the sensor value.
SDS011 Arduino sensor operation check
When the hardware connection and software coding are completed, you can check the operation screen as follows.
Development environment: WINDOWS 10
Arduino IDE: 1.8.13
01 library copy
You can easily check the operation by using the library.
The libraries \Steamedu123_Sensor-master folder is copied to the folder below.
* This folder is created automatically after installing Arduino C:\Users\s\Documents\Arduino\libraries
02 *. ino file execution
-Connect Arduino and PC
-Run Arduino IDE
-Menu → Tools → Board: Check Arduino UNO
-Menu → Sketch → Check/Compile
03 Check compilation
Select Sketch>OK/Compile (CTRL+R) to compile.
04 Arduino Uno upload
When the compilation is completed without any problems, select Sketch>Upload (CTRL+U) to upload the compiled file.
05 Operation check
You can check the operation as follows.
The reference literature of the sensors used in this book [Arduino Sensors for Everyone] is as follows.
[25] Nova SDS011 Homepage
[26] Konstantinos N. Genikomsakis 1 ID, Nikolaos-Fivos Galatoulas 1, Panagiotis I. Dallas 2, Development and On-Field Testing of Low-Cost Portable System for Monitoring PM2.5 Concentrations, 2018
[27] The SDS011 Air Quality Sensor experiment Real-time Air Quality readings from the SDS011
[28] PPD42NS Datasheet, “Specification”, p1
[29] PPD42NS Datasheet, “Interface specification”, p4~p5
[30] PPD42NS Datasheet, “The UART communication protocol”, p5
[31] PPD42NS Datasheet, “Basic Structure”, p8
[32] Nova SDS011 PC 프로그램
[32] Nova SDS011 PC Program
Purchasing a book
[Arduino Sensors for Everyone] The book is available for purchase on Google Book and Apple Books.
In this book, you will learn how to use the PMS7003, GP2Y1010AU0F, PPD42NS, SDS011 Fine Dust Sensor, DHT22 temperature/humidity sensor, MH-Z19B carbon dioxide sensor, ZE08-CH2O formaldehyde sensor, CCS811 total volatile organic compound (TVOC) sensor , GDK101 radiation (gamma ray) sensor, MQ-131 ozone (O3) sensor, MQ-7 carbon monoxide sensor, MICS-4514 nitrogen dioxide sensor, MICS-6814 ammonia sensor, DGS-SO2 sulfur dioxide (SO2) sensor, BME280 atmospheric pressure sensor, GUVA-S12SD ultraviolet (UV) sensor, MD0550 airflow sensor, and QS-FS01 wind speed sensor.
Arduino Sensors for Everyone, 저자: Ronnie Kim - Google Play 도서
Arduino Sensors for Everyone - 저자가 Ronnie Kim인 eBook입니다. PC, Android, iOS 기기에서 Google Play 북 앱을 사용해 이 책을 읽어 보세요. 책을 다운로드하여 오프라인으로 읽거나 Arduino Sensors for Everyone을(를)
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